Jojouka in Detroit (Video)

Interzone/Detroit – To say that the Master Musicians of Jajouka are a seminal influence doesn’t really fit. Their ‘pipes’ are something akin to thread in my material and aetheric/energetic linings. I cut my trance ritual teeth with ‘Brian Jones Presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka’ as the soundtrack. A cassette tape was ‘passed’ to me, in a rather ceremonial way, on my first visit to Chicago, 89 maybe? The cassette eventually became the baseline of sound experiments/rituals that would find me layering ‘boom box’ upon ‘boom box’, upon static blaring TVs and hand made loops to the point where the pipes were the only things left appearing even remotely human. Last night, I revisited many of the spaces/places that I’ve connected with while working with these amazing sounds. Gratitude.

Video – Bachir Attar/Master Musicians of Jajouka live at TRINOSOPHES June 9th, 2014