February 2025, Vichy Detroit – I’m still a 50-something sound and visual artist, raising a family and striving for meaningful and respectful relationships on and with the land.
I strive to respect influences, teachers, the people I live with, those who I have loved and those I have hurt, the spirits of the land we live on and the elemental forces I intuit. My creative life has been deeply anchored in resistance to religious dogma and the interruption of dominant narratives. Race and place are also prominent throughout my work. Raising a ‘white’ family in the largest Black city in the US has made issues that were once distant more personal.
To understand the unique context of my work is vital. I work and live in majority Black spaces that are focused on anti-Blackness and more recently anti-authoritarianism. This said, I recognize and strive to move in solidarity with all those who face oppression here and globally. I’m constantly learning and attempting to develop deeper relations.

Archives by Year:
Health and Healing
- Massage Therapist (2004)
- Renegade Bodywork
- Detroit Evolution Laboratory
- Myomassology Instructor (2007)
- Reiki Master (2006)
- NLP Practitioner (2004)
- Yoga Instructor (2004-2012)
- Northville Yoga Center
- House of Yoga, Berkley
- Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit
- (CAM Practitioner) St. Johns Providence, Southfield (Now Ascension)
- Bharatiya Temple, Troy
- Practice Yoga, Gross Pointe
- People’s Yoga Detroit – I retired from teaching in 2013 to “take my yoga off the mat” and attempt to live into the practice within community. This after mounting frustration over my failure to adequately diversify my free yoga program.
Health/Healing Publications
- Real Men Don’t Do Yoga – Natural Awakenings (2009)
- Lunar-Based Pranayama – Peace, Love And Yoga (PLAY Magazine – 2009)
- Ahimsa In the Kitchen
While I am not currently involved in any of these groups and have criticisms of both leadership and application, these are extremely influential in my approach. It is important to note that I am still most deeply influenced by and in love with the non-dogmatic emergent structure of TOPY. My attempts to replicate this non-dogmatic structure have been the source of conflict as I’ve attempted to engage with more structured groups.
- The Temple of Psychic Youth (1988)
- The Sufi Order of the West (1994) now The Inayati Order
- The Illuminates of Thanateros (1996)
- Ordo Templi Orientis (2001)
- Detroit Promethean Society (2003)
Spirit Publication
Power Symbols for Personal Growth – Natural Awakenings (2009)
Sigil – Thee Blooming Ov Life (TOPY internal – 1988)
Book Magick – Thee BOTL Rocket
Becoming a parent in the city of Detroit as we were thrust into municipal bankruptcy and emergency management set the tone for my attempts to engage for better outcomes for our kids. These groups and workshops supported the internal work needed to engage more effectively. I cite these groups as influences as my search for spaces that do not replicate hierarchies of control continues.
- People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond – https://pisab.org
- Project South, Institute to Eliminate Poverty & Genocide – https://projectsouth.org/about/
- Crossroads Anti-Racism Training – https://crossroadsantiracism.org
- Detroit Black Community Food Security Network – https://www.dbcfsn.org
- James and Grace Lee Boggs Center – https://www.boggscenter.org
- Generative Somatics – https://generativesomatics.org
- Detroit Equity Action Lab – http://detroitequity.org
- Detroit People’s Platform – https://www.detroitpeoplesplatform.org
- Extinction Rebellion – https://rebellion.global
- Sunrise Movement – https://www.sunrisemovement.org
- Democratic Socialists of America – https://www.dsausa.org
For published works see Justice – https://www.edenbloom.art/writing/justice/
- Throwing Muses, Detroit (1987-88)
- Pixies, Club Soda Kalamazoo (1988)
- Emergency Management/Municipal Bankruptcy (2013-14)
- Freedom March 50th, Detroit
- Petcoke Marathon Protest, Detroit
- Water is a Human Right March, Detroit
Published Photography
People’s Atlas of Detroit, Wayne State University Press (2019)
- Arcane Productions Collection – Live 8mm Video Footage
- Sonic Youth
- Foetus, Inc
- His Name is Alive
- Majesty Crush
- Consolidated
- Picnic Horn Records Compilation (1988)
- Detroit Development and Surveillance (2014)
- A People’s Story of Detroit (2016)
- (Uncredited Cast and Videography) Land Grab (2016)
Graphic Design
- Majesty Crush – Electric Seahorse Cassette (1991)
- D.A.D.A. Une (1993, Detroit)
- Instagon – Temporary Temple (1995, Huntington Beach)
- Tumultus Productions (1996, Carbondale)
- I am currently processing the role of these authors in my work and life
- Various Hands Local 23 (1999, Cincinnati)
- Detroit Evolultion Laboratory (2006, Detroit)
- Undoing Racism, Planting Justice
- Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion – Housing
- Flint Strong Stones Logo
- Detroit Food Justice Task Force – Cook Eat Talk Menu
- (2008) https://handmadedetroit.com/2008/11/12/meet-the-detroit-evolution-lab/
- (2008) https://www.modeldmedia.com/features/evolove130.aspx
- (2009)https://static1.squarespace.com/static/526e8724e4b06485ddc46b03/t/53b6e997e4b0d5e7513cd907/1404496279952/michigan+in+the+raw.pdf
- (2012) https://www.alternet.org/2012/08/can-whole-foods-coexist-homegrown-food-movement
- (2015) https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2015/05/04/water-shut-notices-go-detroit-may/26891145/
- (2017) https://www.metrotimes.com/news/inherit-the-wind-climate-change-dte-and-1-million-without-power-2889845
- (2019) https://wdet.org/2019/07/22/detroits-east-side-is-already-polluted-will-fiat-chrysler-make-it-worse/
- (2020) https://www.michiganradio.org/families-community/2020-01-29/state-questions-plans-submitted-by-fiat-chrysler-for-new-detroit-assembly-plant
- (2020) https://planetdetroit.org/2020/09/community-raises-concern-about-fca-expansion-call-for-better-testing-and-community-benefits/
- (2021) Detroit Free Press – Dan Gilbert’s Hudson site not done nearly 4 years after groundbreaking
- (2022)https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/chrysler/2022/10/20/detroiters-say-they-feel-ignored-in-stellantis-odor-violations-order/69575454007/
- (2023) https://www.bridgedetroit.com/district-detroit-benefits/
- https://detourdetroiter.com/how-covid-19-exposed-detroit-health-inequities/
- https://www.deadlinedetroit.com/articles/25840/prominent_developers_pro-israel_lobby_fund_brenda_jones_bid_to_oust_rashida_tlaib
- https://www.bridgedetroit.com/how-detroits-community-benefits-process-is-failing-east-side-residents/
- https://grist.org/equity/detroits-first-new-assembly-line-in-30-years-will-compound-pollution-in-black-neighborhoods/