As goes Detroit, so goes the World

As goes Detroit, so goes the world. It’s a portal for global transformation, but not the way you’ve heard of or will.

It’s a unique node on the construct, a place where the water turns, where crystals churn underneath, where the blood in the river’s still heard.

And the people struggle on and on against hundreds of years of white folk, friend and foe, their systems set on control.

It’s where the other possible world is just another already given away. “Judas!” they say, but even they are military, industrial and complex.

New parties for new workers, re-imagined compliance, makers spaced, DIY cookie-cutter semantics and first-time-stoned philosophies toward a more humane inhumanity, a more just injustice. 

Propped up by credentialed dinosaurs shitting corpses, calling gold.  Lapped up and lauded by legacy-read and lineage-bread minions, gilded and rearing to go.  Offspring of infiltration, intergenerational co-intel pro-fessionals.

As goes Detroit, so goes the world. A portal for global transformation, but not the way you’ve heard of or will.

A unique node on the construct, a place where the water turns, where crystals churn underneath and the blood in the river’s still heard.

And the people struggle on and on against foe and friend, trying to compress and contain what constant, breaks out of their grasp, another possible world that they cannot control. 

© EschatonLife

This piece is included in Eden Bloom Eschaton Life