Archives by Year:
Invoking Ahimsa Within The Core
November 26, 2008 A·him·sa(in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist tradition) respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others. Meditating On Ahimsa As Angela and I were preparing an Ahimsa focused workshop, I found myself meditating on an aspect of teaching that I once struggled with a great deal. In the West we …
Activating Ahimsa
Meditating On Ahimsa As A and I were preparing an Ahimsa focused workshop, I found myself meditating on an aspect of teaching that I once struggled with a great deal. In the West, we tend to be fairly set in our ways when it comes to our eating habits. Many of us, often due to …
Lunar Based Pranayama: Encouraging Exploration of Breath and Moon Cycles
Those who aspire to the state of yoga should seek the Self in inner solitude through meditation. With body and mind controlled they should constantly practice one-pointedness, free from expectations and attachment to material possessions. ~Bhagavad Gita 6:10 No matter what your experience in the art and science of yoga, you know that it is all …
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